Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thank You!

Thank you for purchasing Jane and Pearl cards! I've added custom cards and mix n match cards to the shop, check it out if you are interested.

At the end of each month I will donate the profits from Jane and Pearl to a partner organization, and for December through the next few months that will be Preemptive Love. I made the first donation to Preemptive Love for $100. Thank you for your supporting this incredible organization through the purchase of watercolor stationery.

Monday, December 19, 2016

New Cards & Partnership

(to view and purchase cards)

After a long hiatus from water color, I've unpacked the boxes and gotten the paints back out! I thought a festive Thank You card for Christmas into the winter season would be perfect. 

My talented friend Sammy did the lettering, which I'm so grateful to her for doing! 

For the partnership, there's one place that has been in the headlines and one organization I think that is doing an incredible job of providing relief in the midst of suffering. Preemptive Love has been in the middle east for years doing heart surgeries for children. I have been following this organization for a couple years now. They've become more widely known, but in the past two years I have watched them faithfully use the funds given. Long after Aleppo has faded from the front page and the emotions aren't as raw for those of us watching, there will still be families with nothing, trying to rebuild and trying to flourish. And I know Preemptive Love will still be there to love anyway.

So beginning today, all of the profits from Jane & Pearl will go to support the mission and work of Preemptive Love. Thank you so much!