Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thank You!

Thank you for purchasing Jane and Pearl cards! I've added custom cards and mix n match cards to the shop, check it out if you are interested.

At the end of each month I will donate the profits from Jane and Pearl to a partner organization, and for December through the next few months that will be Preemptive Love. I made the first donation to Preemptive Love for $100. Thank you for your supporting this incredible organization through the purchase of watercolor stationery.

Monday, December 19, 2016

New Cards & Partnership

(to view and purchase cards)

After a long hiatus from water color, I've unpacked the boxes and gotten the paints back out! I thought a festive Thank You card for Christmas into the winter season would be perfect. 

My talented friend Sammy did the lettering, which I'm so grateful to her for doing! 

For the partnership, there's one place that has been in the headlines and one organization I think that is doing an incredible job of providing relief in the midst of suffering. Preemptive Love has been in the middle east for years doing heart surgeries for children. I have been following this organization for a couple years now. They've become more widely known, but in the past two years I have watched them faithfully use the funds given. Long after Aleppo has faded from the front page and the emotions aren't as raw for those of us watching, there will still be families with nothing, trying to rebuild and trying to flourish. And I know Preemptive Love will still be there to love anyway.

So beginning today, all of the profits from Jane & Pearl will go to support the mission and work of Preemptive Love. Thank you so much!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

NEW Cards!

This is probably my favorite card to date. I took a watercolor class at the new Revel (DIY craft bar, yes please!) in downtown Madison and it really helped me learn what makes watercolor so unique, WATER! So this wreath I really focused on using lots of water and seeing what happened. I still tend to find myself doing tiny details but even in those water can change what the paint does. 

Check them out in the store! 

Also, a sweet friend of mine asked a sweet friend of hers to make a simple logo for Jane & Pearl, and it's just perfect. Thank you Angela!!!!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Giving Update

Empowering children to process emotions. Thank you for being a part of their brave story. 

To date, Jane & Pearl has raised over $500 to support the Syrian Refugee School in Turkey. 

Thank you.

Thank you for supporting a creative outlet of mine that more importantly supports women and children on the margin. It has been humbling and exciting to receive your support as your purchase of Jane & Pearl note cards sent $450 to this school providing salaries for the teachers (refugees themselves), utilities, and rent. And another $100 covered supplies for more art therapy classes.

I'm continuing to partner with this school. They are still raising funds to cover their expenses, below is a note from the director of this project: 

"Thank you so much for your generosity in helping to serve these refugee children. The staff and teachers at the school were overjoyed when they heard that people from around the world were donating money to enable them to continue teaching these children for the rest of the year. You are making a huge impact on their lives. Currently we still have a need of nearly $1000 in order to meet our goal of keeping the school open until the summer break, so feel free to spread the word to others who may be interested in giving."

You can purchase note cards here, or give directly to the school here. I'd love to make a big dent in this need. These kids, they are someone's daughter. Someone's son. And they've been through more than we can imagine. The headlines in the news are not very positive from Turkey and Syria. But you can be a part of something good.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Current Partnership - Syrian Refugee School in Turkey

"A young boy drew this picture and he shared that it was bombs falling on both mosques and churches alike in Syria. I asked him why he included both and he said it was because both muslims and christians experienced the suffering. War doesn't discriminate. In its brutality, all suffer." 

I am honored to partner Jane and Pearl with this incredible work being done in Turkey for Syrian refugees. These children that are in this school are valuable, they have worth, and are worth fighting for! And our friends are doing just that. 

Due to obvious privacy concerns, we can not share the names of our friends or too many specific location details, we hope that you understand. 

Here is what the team working in Turkey right now had to say:

"Five years of civil war has led many to call Syria's children "the forgotten generation". However, God is showing a group of Syrian refugee kids, who have fled to Turkey, that they are very much on his radar. Nine Syrian refugee teachers started a makeshift school for 250 Syrian children. Class is held in shipping containers converted into classrooms. Alongside their normal studies, the students have also participated in art therapy sessions specifically tailored for children from conflict zones to help them process difficult emotions and trauma in a safe environment.

We'd like to serve more Syrian refugee children by purchasing additional supplies for future art therapy sessions. Your gift will also be used towards the school's operating costs, and to bolster the income of the nine Syrian teachers who are themselves refugees."

You can read more about the foundation of this school here.

100% of profits from Jane and Pearl will go to this team purchasing more art supplies, operating costs, and income for the Syrian refugee adults that work as teachers at this school.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

What is Jane and Pearl

August, 2019

Hi there! I'm Emily, that's a super outdated photo, but I'll get a newer one soon. I'm married, living in Knoxville, Tennessee with my husband, twin 5-year-olds and 7 month old. I'm an enneagram 7 which is why I'm okay with an outdated photo. I've got a lot more up to date stuff on instagram

 Thanks for stopping by!! You can read the story of how Jane & Pearl was founded to help others below. If you're interested in shopping, just click the link below and it will send you to the Etsy shop. I can also be found on Facebook and Instagram. 

Shop Online
Jane & Pearl Products

February 20th, 2016

Jane and Pearl is watercolor stationery where 100% of the profits go to non-profit organizations that support oppressed women and children, fighting for their freedom and flourishing. 

After reading articles on the current refugee crisis and knowing friends on the front line in Iraq doing art therapy with Isis survivors, my heart was bursting with a way to respond to the tragedy coming out of the middle east.
"If you stand under an Iraqi sky at night and listen —

you can hear a thousand heartbeats, waiting… hoping." -Ann Voskamp
Raising twin toddlers and living only on my husband's hard-earned income doesn't allow me to give to those working in these oppressed worlds. So I thought, "what do I have?" A little bit of nap time, and a love to watercolor and create, however simple it is. What if all profits from a watercolor painting go to these women and children who've survived unimaginable suffering, whether it be fleeing a war, waiting for a heart surgery, or desperate to be rescued from slavery. The profits would go to our friends doing art therapy for women and children rescued from slavery in Iraq or from fleeing the war in Syria, Preemptive Love, and to organizations fighting against human trafficking across the globe. (I will always list where all profits will go.*)

I read "In Order to Live" by Yeonmi Park, and was so moved by her story. Growing up in North Korea, Yeonmi's greatest motivation in escaping to China was an entire bowl of warm rice. That was it. Tragically, after making it to China as a teenager she was trafficked, bought and sold, for less than a hundred dollars the first time. She now had rice, but again had no freedom, and it's all she wanted. Simply to be free. To not be someone else's property.

Several months ago when this burden to give started, I had a vivid dream. I dreamt that one of my daughters was taken. We quickly found the house that she was being kept at. We pleaded with the man that was also keeping others to give our daughter back. He said, "she is very valuable to me, she will cost a lot." And in my dream I yelled, "she is invaluable! she has immeasurable worth!!" This person was telling me that my DAUGHTER had a price tag. And in that moment, in my dream with devastation, I felt the weight of all the faceless, nameless, statistics of especially women and children being held in captivity. They are someone's daughter. I thought of their mothers, fathers, their sisters, and brothers who want to fight for their freedom but can not.

"All suffering, injustice, poverty, and death will be ended. To pray 'thy kingdom come' is to 'yearn for 

that future life' of justice and peace." -Tim Keller

That's my prayer with the resources I've been given, to invest them in bringing heaven to earth. 

Jane and Pearl. The middle names of my daughters and the motivation to remember the value and worth inherent in every single person among thousands of oppressed, enslaved, and abused women and children. Each one is someone's child. Each one has immeasurable worth.
"The absurdity of a mad world only changes when we stop being deaf to the other —and have the audacity to listen to each other’s hearts — and respond." -Ann Voskamp

(*I will always list organizations that benefit from the profits of Jane & Pearl on the blog, so you know exactly where your money is going. Feel free to contact me with any questions about these organizations or my mission!)