Friday, May 20, 2016

Giving Update

Empowering children to process emotions. Thank you for being a part of their brave story. 

To date, Jane & Pearl has raised over $500 to support the Syrian Refugee School in Turkey. 

Thank you.

Thank you for supporting a creative outlet of mine that more importantly supports women and children on the margin. It has been humbling and exciting to receive your support as your purchase of Jane & Pearl note cards sent $450 to this school providing salaries for the teachers (refugees themselves), utilities, and rent. And another $100 covered supplies for more art therapy classes.

I'm continuing to partner with this school. They are still raising funds to cover their expenses, below is a note from the director of this project: 

"Thank you so much for your generosity in helping to serve these refugee children. The staff and teachers at the school were overjoyed when they heard that people from around the world were donating money to enable them to continue teaching these children for the rest of the year. You are making a huge impact on their lives. Currently we still have a need of nearly $1000 in order to meet our goal of keeping the school open until the summer break, so feel free to spread the word to others who may be interested in giving."

You can purchase note cards here, or give directly to the school here. I'd love to make a big dent in this need. These kids, they are someone's daughter. Someone's son. And they've been through more than we can imagine. The headlines in the news are not very positive from Turkey and Syria. But you can be a part of something good.

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